Today’s blog has been inspired after an exhilarating conversation with Marroc (the hobbit)
So how old are you?
You are essentially made up of the same stuff that makes up the stars and the planets in our universe. Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and minerals like zinc, iron, potassium and so on. Iron and zinc is in your blood, potassium in your bones. You are about 70-75% water. That is simply hydrogen and oxygen combined. You breathe carbon dioxide and nitrogen. You are made up of the elements. Molecules containing atoms made up of subatomic particles, protons and electrons, neurons, gluons, quarks and mesons (ok lets keep it simple – it gets very, very tiny!)
The subatomic particles and all that make them were essentially created during and soon after the Big Bang. That makes you physically very, very old. There are elements of you that are anywhere between 10-13 billion years old.
The same atomic makeup in your body can be found in a flower, a frog, a tree, a stone or the air. You are made up of trillions of blobs of energy. Just like everything else in our universe. And so physically you are not more nor less important than anything else in this universe. Note: I say ‘physically’. (I’ll get onto the spiritual part nownow). You are as much a part of Life as a blade of grass or a leaf or a worm. What connects you and the decaying logs in the forest is that everything, including what makes up you body, will eventually be taken up as parts of something else. The Law of Transformation. You actually never die physically. Every atom just moves on to be a part of something else; just as it always has.
Quantum physics reveals that there is intelligence in the space between all these tiny, tiny subatomic particles, quarks and mesons. Atoms show signs of memory. Atoms communicate. Molecules made of atoms can react to your thoughts. I.E. Water will freeze differently when subjected to positive or negative emotion directed at it. (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masaru_Emoto )
When we take our DNA into account, things can get very interesting too. How old is your blood? I know the cells themselves will be replaced, but the the intelligence therein, the code, gets passed on when the cells divide. Your DNA memory never dies. Your blood came from your mother and her mother and her mother and so on. The blood in you contains a memory that is thousands and thousands of years old. Possibly as much a 3 million years old.
You can barley tell the difference between that of a foetus of a human, an elephant and a fish, within the first few days.
So how old are you then?
I once had a dream I was flying over water. It was so real to me.
Do you think I was remembering a time when my DNA was that of a bird?
During deep mediation you can go back to the beginning and see the end.
The paradox is that you can only do it now.
You may be old but you are still emerging.
Thanks Marroc, you inspired me to look at a few things I haven’t talked about in ages.
Keep Smiling
Finrod (the elf)
Some other interesting links.
We are in the middle of the size of the universe.
The universe. A very good breakdown if you have the time.
String Field theory
Quantum Physics
A good start to physics
Origin of the elements
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